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In coordination with the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, the General Audit Office of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will organize a wokshop training on audit performance during the…

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Within the framework of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between ESCWA and ARABOSAI, and the agreed action plan in particular the Activity 3.a of the plan, the Arab…

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You will find the Year Book through the followin link 

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In cooperation with the Audit Office of the Kingdom of Bahrain, ARABOSAI is organizing the training session on auditing the public debt from 3rd  to 7th October 2021.

 27 trainees from 14 Arab SAIs…

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We are pleased to share with you our 6th Issue of the ARABOSAI Newsletter. In this edition, you can find five sections  related to meetings inside the organization, workshops and training,cooperation…

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The Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions in cooperation with the AFROSAI-E is organizing  a Practical Workshop on :"Experiences of member SAIs on documenting audit work" Virtually  on 22-23…

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