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Experts and Trainers
The Organization's Goals
Charter of ARABOSAI
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
SAI's Members
Organization structures
General Assembly
Governing Board
General Secretariat
The Institutional Capacity Building Committee
The Professional & Audit Standards Committee
Information Technology Oversight Committee
SDGs Auditing Committee
Strategic plan Committee
Follow-Up Committee
Technical Standing Committee On The Journal of Financial Control
Experts and trainers
Experts and trainers
Form an expert/specialist training
Regional and international activity
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Experts and trainers
Form an expert/specialist training
Form an expert/specialist training
You must print the completed form and send it
General data for expert/trainer
Regulatory journals
Experience in training
General data for expert/trainer
Name and title
Current job
The organ expert/trainer
Degree and area of specialization
Certificates (local and foreign)
Professional certification (CPA, CIA, CISA,...)
Regulatory journals
Regulatory journals
Magazines experience in supervisory work
Regulatory journals 2
Magazines experience in supervisory work
Regulatory journals 3
Magazines experience in supervisory work
Other regulatory areas in which work by an expert (in the last five years)
المجالات الرقابية 1
Magazines experience in supervisory work
المجالات الرقابية 2
Magazines experience in supervisory work
المجالات الرقابية 3
Magazines experience in supervisory work
المجالات الرقابية 4
Magazines experience in supervisory work
المجالات الرقابية 5
Magazines experience in supervisory work
Business and regulatory evaluation by the expert
Experience in training
The person concerned has a certificate issued by a training specialist
INTOSAI Development Initiative
Organizations / other bodies
Training Specialist
Magazines experience in training
Training Specialist 2
Magazines experience in training
Training Specialist 3
Magazines experience in training
Contribute to the design and delivery of training courses
At the local level
At the level of the Arab Group
On the foreign level
Area in which expert / specialist training is believed to be featured in it through past experiences
Design and presentation
Contributions of expert/trainer in the jurisdiction or in other areas
The activities of the Expert/trainer
At the local level
At the level of the Arab Group
On the foreign level
The study / research and date of submission and observations against him Name
In light of the previous answer, please mention regulatory issues which owns expert / specialist training special expertise on the level design or presentation or both and who wishes to be the focus of upcoming meetings or training programs
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Experts and trainers
Form an expert/specialist training